How to Select the Top Movie to Watch

After deciding to spend the night watching a film, a dreaded moment comes after. Choosing a film to watch can be a painstaking and time-consuming process that may or may not end up well. While having a lot of options to choose from can be good in certain situations, having too many movies in your selection list can be disastrous.

Thankfully, there are ways to make things easier for you during movie night. Here are some means to stop that endless scrolling and instead, hit that play button for a relaxing screen time.

• Keep A List

Whether a friend recommended it or you saw the trailer, add whatever film that looks interesting on a list. While some films on the list may end up being stricken off, having that list is perfect for times when you are too lazy to browse and you just want to quickly see something that you have been meaning to watch for awhile now. You can also make sure you do not forget the titles of films you heard were good.

• Use Movie Recommendation Options

When using a movie service like Netflix or Hulu, you find a list of movies recommended to you based on films or series that you have already watched. It will narrow down the list for you, identifying the genres you like.

You can also filter by genre, depending on your mood for the night, and start from there. Most of these movie portals have a way to check their ratings in imdb, so you can also get a sense of how good or bad the film is.

There are other sites as well that help you filter movies however you like, by rating, mood, or even by year. If you like a specific actor, there are also ways to just search for his or her movies and start from there.

There are also film buff lists available online, listing what they believe are best movies of a particular genre. What’s great is that they would include a trailer and a short description of the film, so you can get a bit more information before deciding to watch it or not.

• Set a Time Limit

If you do not give yourself a time limit on choosing a movie, you will either end up not having any more time or simply give up. Decide to spend up to 15 minutes choosing a movie and whatever sounds good by then, just press play. The point is to enjoy a movie night so just pick something and have fun!

• Remove the Films You Already Watched

This is a great feature of Netflix, allowing you to remove watched movies from the queue. You can then shorten your queue and even come back to these movies if you like them.

Film portals like Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime have these great features to help you narrow down your search, allowing you to enjoy the movie experience even more.

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